Cherry Lane Productions

Documentary Films

Family Stories

Those old family photos and moving images have stories to tell…
Let us help you bring those family stories to life!

We help you organize your family photographs, videos, and films, digitize them (retouching photos if required), and then craft professional video stories that preserve and celebrate family memories, document special family milestones, and serve as a memorial for particular family members. You will tell your family story in PBS/History Channel-style, interview-based videos, providing a legacy video for future generations.
See two examples below. The From Shore To Shore excerpt was created from silent 8mm footage shot by John Glynn.


Using your Family Archives

  • family photo albums (we do photo & slide scanning, restoration, and animation)
  • home movies (we digitize and edit old film formats: 8mm, Super-8mm, 16mm)
  • home video (we digitize and edit old video formats: VHS, Hi-8, Mini-DV)

as well as incorporating:

  • audio cassette and ¼” reel-to-reel audiotape recordings
  • family documents (passports, birth & death certificates, deeds, etc.)
  • painted portraits & drawings of family members
  • family letters (narrated excerpts)
  • awards & commendations, artifacts, et al.

Along with: additional films and photos from public archives (if applicable), sound effects, library music, voice-over narration, and on-screen titles and captions.

Video Projects include:

  • Video interviews (high-definition)—up to approx. 3 hours with 1 or 2 interview subjects (multiple subjects by arrangement).
  • Fully edited programs incorporating the interviews, photos, music, and film/video clips if available (final programs approx. 30–60 minutes in length.)
  • Multi-region DVDs with chapters & scene menus.
  • DVDs with printed disc label & cover artwork.
  • Digital media files for computers, iPad type tablets, and online sharing.
  • DVDs of full interviews also available by arrangement.